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Full of contradictions, Fighting to unravel the Mysteries & discover my True calling and make others discover theirs through Thought-Provoking Life Path posts.Come join me in the quest for peace, discovery and knowledge. Share & View your reflections in the journey with my Words , Meet Me & Meet yourself on this pebbly road, deep trench and steep slope called – The Life Path….

Wild Mystical Ray September 29, 2009

Wild Mystical ….Ray

A little wild ray of light
Outstretches its feet to reach
From the violet forests where stars still sleep
Lifts her long veils as it touches with its glow
I look as white and beautiful as snow
The stars far are melting away
Ruffled water lilies rustling their wings
Crystal pearls springing in the moss
To welcome the morning breeze
A pink sphere matching; Oh flower-flesh!
Arrives with its coolness; to dawn upon the earthly beings

A little wild ray of light
Outstretches its feet to reach
Beguiling and Enthralling; Always in endless flight
Mounts in my soul so simply without revealing
Like magically paving ways that never before existed
Draws me within as it delves deep inside
So Solitary and Subtle, with invisible Pace
Full of Solace and infinite Grace
The rivers let me sail, and distance from the time
Till scented twilight falls upon the pearl skies
Droppings of indigo entrancing in delight
Dances away the yellow to make it more bleak
A wild ray of light still sparks till I seek

by Zuellah Huma Ahmed

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